Training Calendar  

Under trainings, AKTC offers a wide range of hands on, crop production and agricultural machinery related training topics to our target groups. AKTC’s target groups are emergent farmers, farm managers, technical stuff, students and lectures of agricultural learning institutions. As well as field extension officers (from both government and private institutions) who in turn operate as multipliers in knowledge and skills dissemination.

No Date Trainings Target Group Bookings status
1 17-21 June 2024 AKTC Modular Training  Emergent Farmers  Open for registration
2 11 July 2024 Vegetable Production & Irrigation Indaba Interested Persons Open for Registration at a Fee
3 22-26 July 2024 AKTC  Modular Training Emergent Farmers  Open for registration
4 12-15 August 2024 Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture & KSB Pumps maintenance Emergent Farmers Open for registration
5 26 Aug – 6  Sept Tractor  Driving School Interested Persons Open for registration

Student Attachment & Internship Program

Under attachments & internship, AKTC offers a wide range of hands on, crop production and agricultural machinery related program to our students and interns. Our aim is to give students an experience they will not get in school, an on farm, hands-on experience. This experience makes meaning to what is taught in class and gives practical experience to the theories learn. Students from various agricultural institution pursuing agricultural based programs are welcome to apply.

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